Sunday, February 11, 2007


Ok sorry for the disappearing act. Things are much better here. Ray and I have worked things out and we are planning on leaving for Hawaii on March 27th. And also getting married. He has already bought the tickets so there is no backing out now.
As for the unexpected present we got, well the shock has worn off and we are doing fine now. It is actually a good thing now (don't get me wrong when I say that). Ray couldn't be happier to be having a baby with me. I went to the doctor and I am 8weeks and 3 days give or take a few days. Things changed greatly that day. I will fill you in on all the details later for now I must go.
Hope all is well with each of you! I will stop by and say hello this week.


Glo said...

So glad to hear things are working out for you. Prayer does work. We love you and wish you all the best. Just don't forget us. All of you will me in my prayers every day.
Love and God bless,

Shionge said...

Hey, you made the right decision pal! So happy for you and wishing you well as always!

Nicole said...

YEEH!! You are still alive!! Hee. Hee. I am so glad that you have worked everything out and are going. Take care of yourself AND that baby!! Keep the posts coming! And don't forget about us.

APE said...

I've been MIA for awile I hope all is well with you and your family. I'm back to blogging again. Can't wait to catch up! Congrat on your pregnacy and I was in the same situation if you need someone to talk with I'm here.


Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you. I hope everything continues to get brighter and brighter. Have a great week!

Glo said...

SORRY YOU WON"T GET TO GO HOME THIS WEEKEND..........We had more snow too. It's to be in the fifty's Tues. Wishing you a great day and a better tomorrow.
Love Ya,