Monday, March 10, 2008

To much time, to many emotions, how do you deal with it?

Well today has been one of those days, you know where you feel every emotion possible! It started with a email from a woman that I knew in Hawaii, she was my husband's other woman's friend. She wanted to apologize to me for not telling me the truth when she had the chance. She told me how sorry she was for everything that had happened and for not saying anything. She told me how it was wrong that I was made out to be the villain in the situation and the "other woman" was the victim. Its kind of funny how that happens. I of course told her thanks and excepted her apology and then cried for an hour. See it just doesn't seem to go away. I keep hoping it will but there is always a reminder. So I cry then I get mad at him and then again at her. Because she keeps emailing me....Its great!
Then I try to get it out of my head and move on with my day. Only to find myself on the phone arguing with him one more time over it all. He does his normal--deny it. Seriously I have more than enough information to take to his command and get him in all kinds of trouble because as we all know they frown upon adultery. All I can say is that is a good quality for the marine corp if he would ever get caught he would not give up his information that is for sure! LOL I am seriously searching for something funny in all of this!
Then I talk to his mom and then his dad, because I live with his mom right now. She is great through all of this by the way. I know with time I will get over it but man right now, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I honestly do not know how woman get past this and trust there husband or anyone again for that matter. I just do not see it.
My only peace of mind is that tomorrow I start a job. Its not the job I want but it is a job. I start tomorrow morning at 0500. Which is a late day for me, it will normally be at 0400. Yep it is freakin early. So my plans are to do this until I find something else. I had an interview on Friday for a job that I really really want. So please pray for me that I get it.


Christina said...

I wish I knew a way for you to feel better but I don't. Like I've said, I've been there before. I feel so bad for you and the boys. It will get easier one day, but only with time. I felt the same way. I don't know how some people can act like this. I think they should watch Dr. Phil when he has people like this on and exposes them for the hurtful people they are. Anyway I will pray for you and your future and for your boys to come through this ok. I am thinking about you and checking here every day.

Shionge said...

Sorry you have to 'walk' through the ordeal again emotionally but whatever it is just tell yourself that you have taken the big step of moving to the mainland and tell yourself that it is wonderful to start a new job tomorrow.

You have the family support now, the kids would be happier and they want to see your beautiful smile back.

Pal, you are beautiful and build up your self-confidence and be yourself...there's lots of better men out there. You have SURVIVIED and see the true colours of your ex.

I wish you well and I am sure the right man will appear soon, have faith and be positive always :D

Glo said...

Glad your back. Missed you. The boys are so cute. Ofcourse you know if it were me I wouldn't answer the emails from the friend of the other women. She doesn't need to be in your life right now or ever...believe me...been there done that. Trust will be able to TRUST again. Been there and done that too. You'll have that special person someday. Turn everything over to God...He's your answer.
Love and Big {{Hugs}}
Just P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens.
Praying for you and the boys.

Michelle said...

I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of this over and over again. Glo's right, turn it over to God, He's definitely the answer. I'll be praying that you get that job!