Sunday, October 28, 2007

OK so in life there are normally some things that you do not put out there for everyone to know/read and I am sure that this is one of them but I don't care and I can not take it anymore.

I found out three days after Cale was born that my husband, Ray, is having an affair with one of the female marines in his unit. This female is also trying to be my best friend. She is so fake, but i will play. It is not much fun for me. I went to there command about it, to get them in trouble, and I do believe that it has only made things worse because, they are now spending even more time together even after they got yelled at for two days straight. They of course say they are just friends but there actions speak louder than there words. I know better now.
Ray has pretty much told me that he does not want to be a father, he will sign over all rights of his child to me, he is not ready to settle down and that he likes being with her more because she if fun. She can do all the things that I want to do but can't because hello I have his baby to take care of.

I feel like I am slowly getting killed. I feel so stupid. I never seen it coming. I had no idea. The man that I married is not the man I see now. It is so sad to see how he changed and how fast he did it. He went to the club once with the boys and bang he was back in full swing. He is out at least 3 nights a week his normal routine now is he just doesn't come home at all... The only difference is now I tell him not to come home. I do not want him here. So we are now on day # 2 without him in my house. My only fear is that I am making it easier to let them be together. If I can't have him, neither can she. You know what I realized tonight? I am afraid to go to church because if I do then he will go spend time with her, or if I let him keep Cale then he will take him to her house and they will play family. I know this sounds pathetic but I am driving myself freakin crazy here.

My plan is to get off this island. I am in the process of making sure that can happen and that it can happen fast. I really just can not take it anymore. Even if the two of them are just "friends" I do not want to live like this. My boys deserve better. And I don't want a man like that to be a father to my sons. What I thought was love, was just conveinence for my family.

I was talking to Charla yesterday and she said "you haven't updated your blog in a while" my response was yeah I know its because I am afraid of what I will say.

Well Charla this is what I was afraid of saying.


Courtney said...

Your very right. Your boys do not deserve this but you know what! You don't either!!! I have no idea what to say here Michelle except stay strong & hold on to who you are. A great mother & person. It seems to me he thinks he's crushing that person well, he's done enough do not let him take who you are. I'm proud of you for leaving. I know that must be hard. You,Nate & Cale are in my prayers!

missalexxx said...

Oh my gosh, Michelle. I can't tell you how sorry I am. Honestly, you are an amazing woman. I've never even met you but by reading through your blog, you have been through so much and you do not deserve this. You are too good of a person. It's his loss...what a freaking jerk. He is going to miss out on some of the greatest things in his life...a wonderful woman and his baby. I am so so sorry. I am also proud of you for wanting to leave. All I have to say is, what goes around comes around, and he will get his. You are a wonderful woman Michelle and you deserve the best. Keep your head up and know that you are better than that. I wish I could give you a hug. You and your boys are in my prayers as well. Take care, and if you need anything, I'm here.

Stay strong, love you!

Michelle said...

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I can't believe his command knows about this and hasn't done anything. You know, adultery is punishable by the UCMJ, I don't know how often it is pursued, but it is punishable. That's why I'm surprised his command isn't doing something more, like separating them into different squadrons or units or something.

Just wanted to send you hugs and prayers for what you are going through.

someone else said...

Michelle, I'm so very, very sorry! NO ONE deserves this kind of thing!!

Shionge said...

So sorry this is happening and thank you for sharing this painful journey with us.

Stay strong and focus for your children, he is definitely missing out alot.

Michelle said...

You are definitely right about the boys not deserving this and Courtney's right too, neither do you! I'm so very sorry about everything that is happening right now. You don't have to worry about what you put on your blog, it's YOUR blog and you can vent or say whatever you want to. Someday Ray is going to look back and see what a huge mistake he made by letting you and the boys get away. You are a terrific woman and I hope that you always keep that in mind. NOBODY deserves to be treated this way and I hope you don't let him take your spirit. You're in my prayers.

Charla said...

Hey hun, you know what though Michelle, it's like I told have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about! You are not the one who messed this marriage up, you are not the one who betrayed him..he betrayed you!!! Don't ever be afraid of sharing you feelings with us Michelle, we are here because we love you and Nathan and Cale! I love you to death Michelle! You have helped me through so many hard times in my life and I only hope that I can return the love and support to you! I'm always here for you hun!! I will do anything I can to help you guys through this!!!

Patriot said...

I don't know you, but I just came across your blog tonight. First, I am so sorry that he has done this. He will answer to God one day for his actions. I can't even imagine going through something like this, but I know you CAN make it! I have said a prayer for you tonight - that God would grant you wisdom to know how to handle this, courage and strength to carry on, and encouragement and love that only He can give. Keep the faith - you will make it through.

Unknown said...

Keep your head up Michelle. You are a good woman-- you are a mother to two amazing boys, and he can never take that away from you. Don't let him crush your spirit.

And definitely don't be hesitant about blogging about this kind of stuff. That's why there ARE blogs- to get stuff out of us and out in the open where we can look at things clearly.

vanessa said...

Hi there,
I read your blog from time to time. I too am a military wife.
I just want to write to give you HOPE. I have been there. Exactly where you are. I know the pain and how deep it runs.
the affair last eight months with one of my friends, I was pregnant and in Alaska ALONE, his unit found out and he was punished. It hurt our family more then it did just him, so be careful, it might end up taking money from your family when you need it most to separate for awhile.
But there is HOPE. It's been almost two years now and we are still together. I got my strength from GOD and new friend who came to my aid. Build yourself up. Know you have the strength to get through this. It takes a lot of hard work. We are not the same people but a better family. Once a marriage has been broken down IF YOU CHOOSE to rebuild it it is even stronger.
Email me if you want. A lot of these ladies were here for me after IT happen. I started my blog to vent. It helped. It let me share things I didn't feel comfortable sharing with someone right in front of me.
BE strong, give it(HIM) time. If you still love him deep in your heart and he isn't hurting you or your kids physically then it is worth the fight.
Don't give up.

Shionge said...

Hiya Michelle...just coming by to check and see that you are fine. I wish I am there with you right now.

I wish you well and that you would be strong for your boys. Thinking of you my dear friend.

Glo said...

I'm so sorry for what your going through. My heart goes out to you. I do know what your feeling. I was there with my first hubby( I lived like this for 15 yrs.)You and the boys deserve better.Be strong. We're all here for you. You and the boys are in our prayers. Love and God bless.

someone else said...

I thought of you today and said a little prayer. I hope you're ok.

Charla said...

Thinking of you today and sending my love as always!!! :) Take care sweetie!!!