Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well first I would like to say hello to my husband's friends that have been reading my blog and telling him what I have said.... So to you guys HELLLLLLLO!
I was told that I was telling lies by my husband but when asked he couldn't tell me which ones were lies and just because he tells me that I am only writing this because I want the "pity" I can only say no I do not want your pity I just want to get it off of my chest before I loose my freakin mind.... I kind of thought that was the purpose of an online diary....

I would also like to say that I hope he is reading this one too or at least the friend who is telling him this, and yes I know who you are so hello again, that again I will say that I am not without blame in this situation. I have said it before there are always two sides to every story this just happens to be mine. If Ray would stop lying then maybe you too would be able to hear his.
So please do not get me wrong, I guess like him I do not care about his feelings anymore.
It is truly a sad place to be but, it will pass too I am sure....

I will be around soon but for now I may not be able to get online as much. I am planning my trip back to the mainlands. I will keep you posted. Talk to you soon!

I hope you all have a good holiday...

Man I sound a little bitter don't I!


someone else said...

I really hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.

kbug said...

No, you sound like someone who has been hurt...and that's never a good feeling. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving and that you can put the hurt behind you soon.

Charla said...

Hey hun, there's really no way of sugar coating this and really...who the hell needs to....to hell with what him or any of his asshole friends think!! If they're going to go and back his ass up now, after being the ones coming to you and saying "hey he's in the wrong" and "we just thought you should know", then screw them! They're no better than the garbage that he is! Sorry, just in one of those moods that I'm just gonna lay it all out there!!! You know I love you girl ad I back you 100% on whatever decision you make! You just do what you need to do to take care of you and YOUR boys!!! Nothing else really matters!!!

I know this sounds stupid, considering everything going on, but I hope you and the boys have a great Thanksgiving!!! I love you hun and I always will!!!

missalexxx said...

Hey Michelle. I agree with Charla 110%. Screw them. Who cares what they think! You are allowed to keep a blog and say how you are feeling and if they have a problem with that then they are just idiots. They have no idea what you are going through. I'm so sorry still that all of this has happened. I really do wish you the best and I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I'm always here if you need anything girl. Keep your head up and stay strong, you will get through this! I know you can.

Love you dear.

Michelle said...

The other girls are right, it doesn't matter what they think. This is your blog, and by definition that makes them your thoughts on your life. You have every right to say what you want to say (after all, that's what these are designed for). Keep your head up and your in my prayers!

Glo said...

Sorry there is so many making so much trouble for you. Your blog is your way of venting and should never be used against you. Hope and pray everything works out for you and the boys. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you! i've read your blog and hope the best for you and your little boys. I'm sure being on the mainland with your family will help greatly. I too am daddy's little girl and I always know there is a place for me there!

Unknown said...

I think you've done very well with what you're writing, Michelle. You haven't been cruel or anything like that. I've gotten in trouble before for writing things that other people eventually found, but I don't think you've said anything that doesn't need to be said. Keep writing, if you enjoy it. I hope things work out for your trip home.