Friday, July 28, 2006

I love flowers!

Well ladies I told you that Ray was very good at getting "the little things", well yesterday was very hard for me. I was faced with a something that just knocked me over and I panicked. I emailed him to let him know what was going on while he was at work and then I did my crying and praying, which I do not believe God responds very well too! LOL. I see Him saying "you do your little temper tantrum and when you calm down I will talk to you!" I hate/love that! LOL. So anyway five hours later Ray comes home from work, he did his normal routine, take off his helmet, say hello to Bo, the dog, then give me a kiss, I was on the verge of tears again so I do what I do when I get like that I get busy! I went into the bedroom to fold the laundry and he followed me and when I turned around he had a dozen of roses waiting for me!
Here they are!
Aren't they pretty! I do not know if you can see it or not but I like to collect the willow tree figures and that is the mother and son that I got for easter thanks to Ray!
The flowers may not of made the problem go away but it sure put a smile on my face!!!

Buy the way the problem was solved today God is so good! I needed to just breathe and relax and know that God was taking care of me. He just needed me to butt out!


Lala's world said...

congrats on getting the job!

and wow love the flowers! and the figurine! what a wonderful man!!

you are blessed!

Michelle said...

Those are beautiful flowers. I'm glad he was able to put a smile on your face. I'm glad that the Lord was able to take care of the problem. I've noticed that too, we have to give it to Him before He'll show us what to do about it. That can be one of the hardest things to do too! You're in my prayers.

Charla said...

awww, that's so sweet! What's up with this u and Court are getting flowers..I'm so jealous!!!! LOL Love ya! Congrats on the job girl!

Shionge said...

Hey that is so sweet....ya what happen...I'm not getting any flowers too *sob* *sob*...

Oh Well, glad to know u r better now.

rena said...

Awesome..God is good. And the flowers are lovely, and it sounds like your Ray knows just what you need at times.

someone else said...

Well, Go Ray! What a sweet thing to do for you. Thank God for husbands who stay tuned in.