Saturday, January 27, 2007

Just when you think things could get no worse

Well that pretty much says it all for me since I last wrote. Just when you think things could get no worse they do.... I have had the worst two weeks you could image. I'm not real sure where to start but I am asking you for your prayers. I have alot of decisions to make and I am not sure what will be the best ones to make. Have you ever felt trapped? Well that is me. I feel like no matter what i choose to do I am screwed. Trust me when I say things are not good here on the home front.

I need to go run some errands but I will be back later tonight to try to explain all this.


Nicole said...

I am so sorry. I have been wondering about you. I hope everything will be OK. I will be saying a prayer for you tonight.

Shionge said...

Hiya Michelle...I'm so sorry to hear this but stay strong and positive. You're in my thoughts too......chin up pal!