Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I have been reading a blog by Heather some of you may know her, her blog started about her daughter who has a congential heart defect. Heather just recently found out that she herself has a brain tumor. She and her husband are now in MN, I do believe ,waiting for her surgery on Thursday. I spent 2 hours on her blog, just reading and crying and in complete amazement at the strength that this family has. They are truly a amazing family, while reading her blog, I found myself again feeling that tug from God. It has been so long since I felt that tug, my heart began to cry for other reasons.
In reading her amazing story I started to change, my desire came back, I am not saying that I walked away from God or that my beliefs had changed but I did get lazy. Then last night while I was sitting on the couch with Nathan a commercial came on with praise and worship music and it was a song that Nathan loved and I simply said do you ever miss that, the music and going to church all the time? He said NO! As a mom I can not tell you how bad that hurt me. What am I doing to him? Because I got lazy, he has no desire to be in church! Now I know that some of that is his age, most kids try to rebel at his age and further into his teenage years but wow what a shock that was. I think the worst thing is, I am having another child and if we do not change things now, this one will grow up not being in church with very little foundation! I am not OK with that at all. Nathan had time every night when we read the Alice in Bible land stories before bed and all he wanted to watch was Veggie Tales and listen to his "church songs" as he would call them. LOL (kids CDs) and to have this one grow up any different just isn't ok with me. I have kepted all of those books, movies and some of the CDs so I will at least have those. That was actually a must when we moved out here, we (Ray and I) had a disagreement over bringing all of the "kids stuff" he said we could just get more books and I said no, they are coming with us, all of them... I did win that one and they are coming here and we probably could of left some of them back in FL, since Nathan did have such a big collections but oh well its too late now.

So my search for this week is to find a church to attend here that we like. Ray is not "into to going to church" as he would say it. He believes in God but just doesn't like going to church so please pray that I will find something that he will like to attend as well!


Military Mommy said...

Hi Michelle -

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. It's so nice to "meet" you. :)

I too have been reading and keeping up with Heather and her family through her blog. I agree with you totally. Her story is one of the most amazing stories I have ever heard. Her love for Jesus is one of the most real, living examples I have ever been priveledged enough to witness.

I will add your family to my prayer journal. For finding a church that your whole family likes, for God to renew Nathan's interest and excitement in learning about God, for your husband to be comfortable and welcomed in the church, and for you to find other christian mommy friends to support you. I highly admire you for doing your best to raise christian children. It is certainly not an easy undertaking.

Love, Michelle

Looney Mom™ said...

Hi there. Wow. Hawaii? Cool.

So thanks for stopping by my place. I know what you mean; I think we all go through those dry spells. The good thing is that God does tug on our hearts and draws us back in. God is so good and FAITHFUL. I pray you find a church to call home.

Stop by anytime, and I'll try to do the same!