Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Updates on baby

We went yesterday to get the 20 week ultrasound, the one that tells the sex of the baby and checks how the development of the baby is going. After drinking all that water and feeling like I would explode, we found out the following:

---we are definitely having a boy!

---he is bigger than what he should be, so they have moved my due date back to Sept. 16th (every day counts)

---he is developing with no problems

---his heart looks great! his heart rate was a little low but no big deal!

---the big one is---my placenta is not covering my cervix and according to the tech and the reports that she has, it never was! So either they are wrong or the doctor was wrong! Now we are waiting to see which one was right!

I was never told at the ER that, the placenta was the cause for the bleeding, we never found that out until we went to the first OB appointment. We are both very impatient to see what the doctor has to say when we see her in 3 weeks..

As soon as I can talk to Charla I will change the due date on the ticker, I can not do that! If you noticed there is no music its because I tried to change the songs. LOL Oh there on there, they just won't play and I can not get the names of the songs to show up! So yes Charla will have to spell it out for me! I am so sad when it comes to computers!!!!
The music works! I am so happy! The names of the songs are Can you hear her by Casting Crowns and then Arise by Shane and Shane! Now I just have to find out how to change the names on the bottom, that shouldn't be that hard right!!!!
And I so figured out that baby ticker thing all by myself! I am so proud! But I still can't get the names of the songs to show up!

1 comment:

Charla said...

Hey girl, no fear Miss Charla is here..lol! I fixed your songs titles for ya! Don't worry, you'll get the hang of everything eventually! :)

I'm so happy everything is going well with little man! :) Talk to ya later!