Monday, May 07, 2007


Sorry but that picture is funny, I couldn't help myself. With the morning I have had I need that picture!!

I have spent my morning fighting with this computer! I am trying to change my resume around, I have used the same one since 2001 when I got my first nursing job. Well since I am trying to find something with a little less stress and allows me to sit instead of stand all day I have to change it around. How do you change a resume around when it looks like the only experience you have involves nursing. NOT SO EASY I TELL YOU!!!

I started my doing a simple search on Google "free sample resume templates" holy cow the things it made me do just to get a sample of something that would work. I finally found one and since my computer does not have the right program on it I was going to email myself a copy of my updated resume. I finished the dang thing and then tried to send it to myself and it booted me off!! GRRRRRRRR!!! Since I was emailing it to myself of course it did not save it! I just wrote the second one out! lol Yes I gave up!

Then I tried to find a sample cover letter so when I go to the library and type it our in Word Perfect of Microsoft, I can then email it to myself and save it to my computer at home. Again the same problem.... So what should of only taken me 20 minutes, it is now 3 hours later and I do not feel like going to the library to do this.

I then get a call from Ray saying hey all of our stuff is here, YEAH I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!! Which soon dies when he tells me they are delivering it tomorrow morning, and we have to get rid of the temporary furniture that the base let us use before we can get the our stuff in our house! Not to mention, that we do not have enough room in this house for all of our stuff!!! No way no how! It is so much smaller than our old house.... I'M NOW FREAKING OUT!!!! What to do....
This weekend Ray and Nathan decided to build a chicken coop and then buy /get some chickens for eggs! Why I do not know, but we now have a chicken coop in our back yard, with no chickens! ( I am not sure if you know this or not but chickens run wild all over this island. They are everywhere. We have chickens in our yard every morning, you can be going down the highway and just see families of chickens hanging out on the golf course or where ever. I will admit this is kind of funny to see. But you are not allowed to kill them or harm them in any way, but you can get them and put them in a chicken coop if you like)I kept telling him that we needed to be making a storage shed for all of our stuff and not this coop, but no noone listens to mom! I take all the fun out of it! LOL Who is laughing now! So anyway it is now Monday and we have a chicken coop, no chickens and no storage!

So I do not need to worry about not wanting to go to the library because now I can't! OH and one more silly thing: I had made arrangements for the phone company to come out and hook up my home phone, so she said oh there is no need for them to come out to your house it will be hooked up on Monday by noon. So I go to plug in my phone to see if it works.....THERE ARE NO PHONE JACKS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! NO JOKE. I now have a home with phone service that I am paying for and no jack to plug into the phone. Again see above picture! LOL It will cost them 95.00 to come out and install the phone jack! So Mr. Ray gets to do that tonight!

Well I hope you at least got a good laugh out of my day (and its only noon here)! I am off to try to get my house in some kind of order for what will happen tomorrow!!!!

Look for the pictures of our chicken coop so to come!


Shionge said...

Sorry to hear about the resume thing hope it'll work out soon for you.

I find this interesting about the chicken coop. Is that what they do over there.....:) Can't wait for the pic Mich.

Charla said...

OMG, Michelle, I can't help but laugh...I'm so sorry...lmao!!! Talk about some crappy luck huh!! GEESH!! I can't get over the fact that they don't have any phone jacks in that house!! WOW!!! Much different from the mainlands, huh!!! Oh and the chicken coop, that's just something!!! Bo will have a good ole time with that when he gets out there huh!!! LOL

Take care girl and give me a call when things settle down!!! I love ya!!

missalexxx said...

Haha Michelle!! What a crazy morning!! You gotta stop and laugh at all that for minute. Man, I'd be going crazy too. My morning has not been the best either! Well I hope the resume will get done! I hate making those things...and my computer never has the right programs either! lol That is so funny about the chickens...I didn't know that! LOL That has to be different! Well I hope everything works out for you! Just relax a bit and everything will fall into place! You are handling it all well! Take Care!!

Michelle said...

I'm sorry it was so rough for you. I hope that things smooth out and I know everything will work out for you!