Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My daily events

I have been so busy that I have not been able to stop for a minute and say hello to you....

It has been one crazy adventure after the next! Last Friday in between all of the contractions that I was having I found a job posting for the base that hubby is stationed at and it sounded really good, so I sent them my resume, stupid right, since I am 2 months away from birth here. But I did, then hubby calls and says those dreaded words "family day at the beach bring your suit and towels and meet me out there at noon!" Which means his company is having another picnic and they want family there, which also means he new and forgot to tell me until last minute. Gotta love that! So I load Nathan up in the car with all of the stuff that we needed, like towels, water, snorkel, fins, goggles, shoes, boogie board and the sunblock..... We get there and of course Nathan is the only kid there, as usual. So there goes my son with all of the marines, playing in the water, wrestling around, and hanging out as if he is one of the big guys. It is kind of funny and to be honest Nathan is in his element with them. I believe that sometimes he gets along much better with adults than he does with kids his own age and for that I feel guilty. Does this mean that I have robbed him of his childhood by surrounding him by adults? I had him at such a young age and when I go and spend time with my friends, there kids are either much younger or they still do not have any, which for the most case is the situation with the guys that Ray works with. As I have said before the guys are really good with Nathan and he has a blast when he is with them. I just get to spend my day saying "Nathan stop!, Don't do that!, Would you stop hitting him please!, Please leave them alone!" Then when I am looking in the other directions the big boys attack Nathan again. So I am seriously fighting a loosing battle here! LOL Ray just ends up telling me that when they are tired of playing with him they will let him know but until them let the big boys enjoy there time, they don't get to act like this unless Nathan is around them. Which only makes me laugh because when you look at those marines they are really having fun with him, at one point it was my 11 year old son and 5 men ranging from the ages of 21-28 out int he water playing what looked like monkey in the middle. All I could do was laugh..... BOYS! Later that night we took Nathan to the Planet Hollywood restaurant with some friends, the boys including Nathan rode the bikes to the restaurant. I would like to add that it rained on the way there so not only did the girls hear them laughing but got to sit beside them in the restaurant all wet! I was not impressed with the food, I think that it was over priced for the quality of food, it was definitely for the name and atmosphere and not the food.

Remember the contractions that I said I was having on Friday well the followed me to Saturday as well! We ended up spending most of our day working on the yard. Which was not much fun for Nathan, it is his job to mow the yard and he thought that it was going to be fun, until he had to mow for the first time. LOL. It didn't take long for him to figure out that it was not much fun for him. LOL. Then we decided to go for a ride to the other side of the island. Most of you can remember the show Magnum PI. Well it was filmed on this island, and you can still see there house and the helipad that they used, so we went to see if we could find the house, we did and I was so sad to see it, they lady who apparently owns the land has not taken very good care of it and it is really run down. It was kind of sad to see. It was high tide so we could not walk up the beach and see the land from there so we left a little disappointed. But it was still kind of neat to be able to say I have been there, we then went on up the road and went the the Sea Life Adventure Park, it is the Park that was in the Adam Sandler movie, 50 first Dates, it was also filmed on this island. It too was not what I expected. It was so small. Still neat to say I have been there! LOL.... Neither place was exciting enough to take any pictures of so I am sorry I have nothing to share! We ended up having a good day even though it was not what we expected.

On Sunday we decided to go to one of the little air force bases to see there beaches there and it was alot of fun... The one thing I have noticed here and I do not like, is that everything is dirty, like the beaches that the locals go to.... On your way into the base, there is alot of places that are open to the public and you can camp on the beach and so on, but the problem is there was so much trash there, it was along the fence line and so on, it was like they had this beautiful beach and all they did was trash it, but as soon as you crossed the gate, everything was clean and beautiful. We enjoyed our late afternoon there, I was still having contractions and not really in the mood to swim so there was this little channel that went way back in the woods, so we walked in the water and went way back in there which was very relaxing and alot of fun, then Ray when out in the ruff waves and tried to snorkel a little bit, which was kind of funny to watch the water was just to bad.
We were told that Kaneohe Bay has the best beaches on the island and so far I do believe that. The locals are always complaining because they are not allowed to use them and I can understand why it is frustrating to them. We have everything in one spot, one beach is the sound side, with little waves (great for kids), then you have the beach that is great for surfing, then one that is good for boogie boards, then the ones that you can go snorkeling on. It is really nice.

So by Monday I was tired and not looking forward to doing anything since the contractions were getting worse and my back was killing me, so I tried to take it easy. Remember that job I applied for, well they called me and told me that they really wanted me, it is basically a desk job on base in the pediatric clinic, I would still be nursing and get the Monday-Friday 8-5 hours, it is close to the house and it would be great for when after the baby is born, because either one of us could take the kids to daycare/baby sitter, since it is on base!!! The pay was great and I do not have to get a Hawaii State license with this job, so that is less money I have to worry about spending. Not to mention the amount of money that they will be putting in my 401K monthly is amazing. It is truly a job that I do not want to pass up! I texted Ray and told him all of this and then asked him what I should do, he said if I wanted it to take it, so I did! They offered it to me on the spot without seeing me and I told them that I was pregnant too and would need time off of work. I kind of freaked out and was shocked, you know that "did this just happen" kind of thing! So I called Ray back and let him know, then went and did all of my errands. I came back home and while I was cutting my son's hair, I thought that my water had just broken, I kind of freaked out and long story short, a hospital visit later I found out that my cervix was still closed and I have a very bad bladder infection and I am starting to go into preterm labor. Remember I just excepted that job! Holy Cow!

Tuesday I go see my OB doctor and they do all the tests that I needed like the glucose tolerance test, the H&H, and Lipid Profile Panel. Which is simply, too see if I am a diabetic, to check my iron level, and to see if I am spilling any protein and how much liver is functioning. If that helps at all.. I tell the PA about the visit to the ER and she then starts running more tests. I am not in preterm labor, which makes me feel better and my cervix is still closed so baby is not trying to come out soon! But and yes there was a big oh BUT she checked my amniotic fluid counts and I have very little fluid to protect the baby. So that means that I am in trouble with that. You need to be between 9-20 on the scale and I am barely a 9. So she freaked out on me and I have instructions to drink all kinds of water. Then come back in one week! She had me pretty nervous and then I come home and start reading up on this and find out why. I knew the obvious reasons, no room for baby to move around, no cushion in case of trauma and so on. But what I did not know is that it means, that your child has a birth defect, like something wrong with the heart, or no kidneys or blocked urinary tract and so on. They have told me that the chambers in the heart look good and no one has said anything else. So now I am so frustrated that I have researched this a little more, the only good thing I have found is that they can sometime correct the problem with fluids which has made me even more eager to drink more water and that this is the reason for all the contractions!

So there we have it, that has been me in a nutshell these last couple of days. I feel like I am going crazy sometimes, and I would really like just one normal OB appointment please. LOL. I know things will be ok and I know that my life is in God's hands and I truly think that this is the only reason I can still laugh at this. I know in the long run we will be OK this is just a bump in the road.


kbug said...

Oh my gosh, it sounds like you're having quite a time with your pregnancy. I hope all goes well for you and the little one. Back when I had my boys, they didn't even do sonograms unless they thought there was a when they thought Seth was going to be twins. Now they do all kinds of tests that I've never even heard of before. I had false labor for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy with Kevin, my middle boy. He was the biggest one out of the bunch at 9 lbs, 5 ozs, so I think I just ran out of storage room..... :)

Take care of yourself...and drink that water.

Shionge said...

Hey Michelle...thanks for the update and you hang in there girl, have plenty of rest too even though you have just accepted that job.