Monday, April 23, 2007

why does the weekends go by so fast?

I was sleeping so well this morning when I got such a rude awakening. The alarm clock ringing at 4:45 am. I was like what was that? Hubby simply said it is time for me to get up, I had to laugh because I truly thought that it was Sunday!!! But when realty sunk in, it was off to the normal routine....Yuck!

We had such a relaxing weekend. We finally got all of the weeds out of the back yard on Saturday! Yeah! We had to go rent a garden tiller for 4 hours to get the soil ready to be treated one last time, just in case we missed any roots. Then in three weeks we can start putting grass out!!! I know it sounds so simple but I am so excited about this.. When it gets healthy back there, I can start planting flowers and make it look pretty.. I don't want to do this until we make sure all the weeds are gone. So then they don't kill my plants that I just spent money on....
Sunday we spent the day on base, we went out to the cabanas to go spear fishing... Nathan's first remark was it feels like we are going home. LOL. We stayed out at the cabanas for a little over a week, when we first got here. Hubby met a guy at work who likes to spear fish as well so off they went, with sun block, and Nathan went off into to the water to do a little bit of snorkeling by himself with sunblock. While I got everything ready on the beach and lay out our blanket and sat down to enjoy the peace and quiet and possibly get a little sun but after doing all that I forgot to put sunblock on myself... I normally do not burn and I am used to the beach so the sun is my friend for the most part. But I was told that while you are pregnancy that you will get burned more easily. OMG I am freaking toasted!!! I do believe I was 15 minutes away from having blisters!!! My face, arms, tummy and legs hurt so bad!!! Only thing that is funny is that it is all on my front side, there is a definite line from front to back... Holy cow what was I thinking... LOL All I can do is laugh or I will just cry! No amount of aloe will help this...

So when we got home and showered and we all settled down, and I realize how bad the situation is, Nathan goes outside to play with his friend and within 10 minutes I get this scream that all mothers dread. "MOMMMMMMMY ! IT HURTS I CAN'T BREATHE" he got into the house and all the neighbors were out to see what had happened, to make sure he is OK, so there is my 11 year old son in the kitchen floor with the door open wide screaming at the top of his lungs for everyone to hear, I tripped over the root and fell onto a log and hurt my ribs, I can't breathe! He wouldn't even let me look at! He had a huge scratch on his chest wall and it without a doubt hurt bad! I finally got him to calm down and we put some ice on it and he finally got his breathing under control! I wasn't sure at first if he had broken a rib or just bruised it really bad, but after the ice had been on there for a little while the swelling was completely gone and there was no signs of damage there. I checked on him twice last night just to make sure I was right and he did fine, I even caught him sleeping on it last night, which confirmed it for me.
But this morning he acted like someone had tried to kill (I know it probably still hurts) but when your son can put his hands behind his head and do a full body stretch and cough he did not break a rib! He sure tried to get me to believe it though. I am sure it had nothing to do with not wanting to go to school this morning right... That one scared me I will be honest....

As far as the job goes, I am waiting to see what the doctor says on Wednesday!


Shionge said...

Oh Gosh hope everyone is doing well and you take care too Michelle.

Yes, weekend sure zoom pass too quickly.

Charla said...

YOUCH, I bet that one did hurt, poor kid!!! Isn't it funny though how they try to milk it for everything they can! It makes ya feel like crap 'cause you know they really are hurting to some extent, but then they start over-exaturating it and you feel crappy telling them to get over it! GRRR..KIDS!! LOL

Sorry you got burt so bad. I tell you what takes the sting out is bathing in cool water with vinegar in it. (A full bottle of vinegar to a tub of water) Yes, you'll stink to high heaven, but it really does work!!! I think it minimizes the peeling too, worked for me last summer anyway! :)

Love ya!!

Michelle said...

I'm sorry you got burnt so badly too! I hope that it's healing though! I'm sorry about Nathan too, but I'm so glad to hear that he didn't break anything! Have a great week!