Monday, July 09, 2007

It's time to relax

We took Ray's dad to the airport Saturday night at 10:00 PM for his flight that did not leave until 11:30. Holy cow that is such a late flight but at least he was nice and tired and got to sleep most of the trip home! We had so much fun with him, Nathan is really going to miss him. Joe and Nathan really have not gotten a chance to spend much time with him, and this was the first time he got to spend alot of one on one time with Grandpa Joe. It was cute!

Joe arrived on the island on Saturday evening and Nathan and Ray went to the airport to pick him up while I ran out the the base to get us ready for the fireworks show they had out there for Bayfest. The boys got there just in time to listen to the ending of Gretchen Wilson's concert and to watch the fireworks. We then went home to get Joe settled in, we were all so tired that going to sleep was very easy for all of us!

On Sunday Ray still had his diving class he had to go to so his dad had to hang out with us, Nathan had decided that he needed to go to Pyramid Rock and go Boogie Boarding (Nathan's new favorite past time) so off we went, we loaded up the car and went to the beach The beach was beautiful! The waves were huge and it was nice ans warm. the boys had so much fun, Joe caught on to the whole concept and decided he was to old for that , he got pretty beat up by the waves! I on the other hand had gotten tired of only one side of my body getting sun, so I decided to dig a hole in the sand for my belly and I laid my blanket over it and ladies I got to lay on my belly! You do not know how happy it made me. I got the best sleep that I have had in the last 5 months! It was great!

Sorry I refuse to show the pictures that were taken of that day. Trust me when I say they were funny!

We came home and showered and I made dinner and after Ray came home we got ready to go to the Alan Jackson concert on base and it was so much fun. He had a good show and he really seems like a good guy! Just a good o`country boy type. We then got to watch another fireworks show. Needless to say we were so tired after such a long day that we came home and crashed. This is what I got. I asked a marine to get me a picture of him because he was so much taller than me and he then helped me get up on a chair to take one myself, then he realized that I was pregnant and tried to make sure that I did not fall by holding onto my butt! Needless to say the picture was no longer my focusThis was the picture of Nathan he was so tired and he fell asleep in his chair half way through the show! It was so late and he tried to stay awake but being in the sun all day, he could not do it any longer! LOL

On Monday Ray had to go to work and I had already promised to babysit a neighbors kid for her he is 18 months old and so much fun, so Joe, Nathan and I hung with a little one and lets just say that my house is not child proof! We then got a phone call from Ray and he told me that it was mandatory fun day at the soft ball field, so he needed us to come up there. So I packed some sandwiches and a cooler full of water and off we went. We met them up there and the boys all started playing softball. His marines always get mad at him because I am always bringing him food and snacks and all that and they do not get any of it, he won't share his goods, it is so funny! My husband is so spoiled! I hung out there for a little while and then the little guy was getting hot and tired so I left them there and we came home. I guess I will have to get used to that again. The boys including Nathan stayed out at the ball park from 1:00 until 7:45 that night, it was so funny to see them when they came home, so tired and dirty and everyone complaining of being in the sun too long and how bad they hurt! We then got ready and went out to eat at a local place here and I wish I had brought my camera because the food was a beautiful display of food!

Tuesday Ray and his dad spent the day riding motorcycles around the island and had they really enjoyed themselves, on Wednesday we did things around the house, like clean out the baby's room and put it all in the shed. Which was well needed, his dad helped Ray fix the shed so it wouldn't leak. And ladies we finally found out how has more junk ladies! Lets just say its not me! I was so happy for that moment...Then we went out on the boat and watched the fireworks again. On Thursday we got up real early and was at Pearl harbor by 7:30 in the morning, we waited in a long line for almost an hour then had our tour by 8:30 it was the first time we had been there and it was amazing. The tour itself is free but you can rent head phones that give you a better detail of what happened. It was so worth the 5 bucks each, I learned so much more this way. It was such a sobering thing to experience, here are the pictures that we took of each otherThat is such a horrible picture of the three of us, we are all doing different things. But you can see how big I am getting! This is a picture of Ray and his dad I think they look so much a like and this is a good picture of them.

Ok I need to go for now but I will finish my week later tomorrow. I need to go make lunch for Nathan and little Gavin, they are both hungry!


missalexxx said...

I'm glad you guys had such a good time while Ray's dad was there! They DO look SO much alike! I love the pics and your belly is so cute! hehe.

missalexxx said...

hey michelle...we should totally talk on an messenger service or through e-mails or something. lol. i have aim and yahoo messenger, and myspace IM too. do u have any of those? if so lemme know so we can go on there and chat!!

Charla said...

hey girl, sounds like you guys had a great visit with Ray's dad! Ya I think they look alike too!!! And shut up about your belly, I think you look cute pregnant!!! :) LOL That's so funny how you got to lay on your belly never would have thought of that, but hey whatever works right!! :) TTYL girlie!! I miss ya and love ya!!!

Michelle said...

thanks for your comment! Yes our families were excited to receive the pic of Kayla in her tshirt!

I can still sleep on my stomach, but I'm going to miss it when I can't anymore!

Michelle said...

I agree with Charla, you look so cute! I'm glad that you enjoyed Ray's dad being there and that Nathan finally got the one on one time with his grandpa!

Shionge said...

What fun Michelle and hey you looked superb sweetie :D Glowing and Growing well & Sexy too :)

Yes they do looked so alike so you can imagine how Ray is going to look when he's at his Dad's age kekekek...

Thank you for the update and glad you are having fun :D