Monday, July 02, 2007

Mommy Talk July 2nd.

July 2: How hard was it for you to lose your pregnancy weight and keep it off?

Now granted that I did not weigh very much before I had Nathan and that I was so young, it was very easy for me to loose the weight. I was so swollen after I had him I never thought that I would be back down to a "normal size" but to my suprise, I lost the weight in about 4 months. Then by the time he was a year old, I was down to a size 2! But when I hit 25 years old, my body thought that my metabolism needed a break and I starting gainig weight for the first time in my life! LOL.... So 11 years later, I start off my new pregnancy weight almost at what I weighed when I gave birth to Nathan. Yes that is still hard for me to get used to!

I wish I had before and after pictures to show you but they are all loaded up in boxes and I can't seem to find where they are at. I know that they are there just not sure where. Go figure.

Hope you girls enjoy the week.

1 comment:

Shionge said...

It was hard for me to get rid of my 'FATS' but slowly exercise helps.

You have a great weekend ahead Michelle :D