Monday, July 23, 2007

Our last Mommy Talk :-(

July 23: Grandparents: what is their relationship with your child(ren) and how do they fit into your child's life?

With Nathan my parents and my grandma were very important to him... We lived with my grandma as I told you before so you can only imagine how close he was to her, he would escape from my house and you would find a little boy with only a diaper on hitting her back door yelling "mamaw, mamaw come get me" Yes I received numerous phone calls while in the shower from my grandma saying "Michelle I am not sure but I think Nate is at my back door, I am going go check OK!" (Remember my grandma was blind so this scared her as much as it did me) We finally got some different locks on my apartment so he could not escape. LOL.. He never got hurt but I am sure I hurt his feelings a few times. My grandma passed away when Nathan was 7 years old and he still sleeps with her old quilt that she gave me and from time to time, he tells me how much he misses her, if he only knew how much I missed her. Its funny how its been 5 years almost since she past and I still feel like I need to call her and see how she is doing. I wonder if that will ever fade.
Well that was my grandma on my mother's side. My dad grandma was very loved and he knew her but we did not spend as much time with her as my other grandma mostly because dad comes from a family of 15 and with cousins all added up with spouses included we are standing at like 159 strong now and we have 2 grand kids and 1 great grandchild that are expecting. Yeah I know crazy right.

As for my parents, wow Nathan is my dad's little right hand man. I know that we are not suppose to have "our favorites" but when my dad is around Nate his hole face changes and he is in heaven. He once told me that if he could do it all over again, he would of had his grand kids first. I think he is so close to Nathan only because he was so sick when he was little and not to mention the fact that I was daddy's little girl. Hands down. My parents are great with Nathan, they do all the things they are not suppose to do, get him things that I told them not too. Send him entirely too money, baby him when he gets into trouble with us, and so much more. My mom needs the reassurance that he misses them so much more than my dad, she is always trying to make me feel guilty for moving so far away from them and taking him away from them while my dad just enjoys talking to him about any random thing that Nathan wants to talk about. I have watched Nathan sit and talk to my dad for hours while they both sit and watch a cartoon show, or dad just listens to Nate while he plays a video game. I do not get it, that would drive me crazy but dad just sits with him and plays along on the other line. It is really very funny! He used to go spend the summer with them. He is the only child I know that can go to see grandma with only 10 bucks in his wallet and come home with 200.00 in it and so many video games (that he knows he is not aloud to have). It drives me bonkers!

Now with child number two my mom is already pouring on the guilt trips with little comments like, "this one is not even gonna be our grandchild because we will never get to know him", or "he will be so afraid of us and he will want nothing to do with us" or my favorite "you two had better not treat this one any different than you do Nathan" yep you guessed it that one makes me very mad!!!!

As for Ray's parents and grandparents its a little easier, because both his mom and dad come from military families so everyone is used to it, unlike mine. His parents are real good about calling and they send cards with money in them for every single holiday, including the odd ones like Halloween, and Flag Day! LOL.....Yes I said a card and money for flag day. They all enjoy pictures and just talking to Nathan when we call and treasure the time that they get to spend with them.

Sorry if I sound so negative about my mom in this post, she is a good person, but she does not like change and she needs to be needed and the closer it gets to my delivery date the worse she feels. Then I go and suggest she comes out after the baby is born so mom and dad can spend one full week with Nathan while he is on break from school and one full week with the baby while Nathan is in school. Sounded like a good idea to me, but I think I only mad things worse for my mom. I honestly had good intentions when I suggested it. Now I have to try to fix this problem. Not to mention that the ticket prices drop down to like 500 bucks each which is so cheap for over here.

I have another doctor's appointment today so wish me luck, I have been having alot of contractions lately and the placenta is still in the way so I am not sure what will happen when I go, I have Gavin with me too and then to add on top of it, Ray is coming, so it will be a full house! LOL....


Shionge said...

Thanks for sharing this Michelle, hope thing would work out alright eventually.

As my MIL stays with me, my kids get real close with their granny and being Asian, we respected the seniors very much which is a good thing.

Hey Michelle, my email is

Kayli Marie said...

I tagged you in a meme today!! it's on my blog if you want to do it. :o]