Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Updates on the baby to be!

I went to the doctor's yesterday and I knew that this was a very important appointment so Ray took off work to go with me. See yesterday was when we were going to find out if the placenta had moved back to where it needed to be. It stops moving around at 32 weeks. We were also finding out if I had enough amniotic fluid and the they were checking my cervix, doing another non-stress test for the baby, and so on... I know it sounds a little overwhelming right! To top it all off I had Gavin with me, I was not excited about it but could do nothing about it.

So I did what every mother has done once or twice, I made him stay up all day long.... I would not let him take his morning nap, nor did I put him down at noon like I normally do. I played with him outside, we took a 45 minute bath, we played hard all day long. He even at one point got up in the chair that I always rock him to sleep in and just looked at me and cried like please let me go to sleep. LOL.. It was so sad, it broke my heart but I held my ground and we continued to play. Then at 2:00 I put him in his car seat and headed for the office. He was asleep within 10 minutes, which is what I wanted.... My appointment was at 2:40 and he slept until almost 4. I was so happy. We did not leave the appointment until 5:20. It took forever.

I first had to wait on the doctor and then they moved me to another room and then they hooked me up to the monitors to see if I was having contractions for 20 minutes, this always makes Ray laugh to hear the baby's heart rate. He likes to watch the monitor and he knows what is good and what is not, so he is always telling me what the heart rate is, at one point his eyes got real big and he goes it just dropped down to 82. I started laughing and told him that is because he moved and that is my heart rate and when I moved the monitor to where he ran off too it came back. I wish you could of seen the look of panic on his face. I should probably explain the concern: see the baby's heart rate seems to drop down real low from time to time, but then he corrects himself just as fast, so no one is concerned about it, but you still watch it. So after 20 minutes of Gavin freaking out because he did not like the sound of the baby's heart beat, and him sitting between my legs holding on for his life that was over.

Ray took Gavin while the PA did the stress test and this baby is not afraid of anything. He is suppose to react to the buzzing noise, (the idea is for it to scare him and you see a raise in his heart rate instead of a decrease, to see how he handles stress) well this little baby is not phased by it and is more annoyed with the fact that she is pushing on my stomach than the actual noise! Yeah Ray thought that was just hilarious! We finally got him to respond after like 4 buzzes. He did what he was suppose to do. Then the doctor came in the room (first time we met her) yep it kind of scared me. She told me that we needed to go into another room for the rest of the appointment.

I then had my ultrasounds done to see all the good stuff. She told me that he is growing fine. He is a little on the small side but no big deal, he is in the 26% on weight. She said he weighed 3 lbs. 6 oz. right now. Which is not bad. I also have plenty of fluid so that is no longer an issue either. Three down with good news, and we were just waiting to see the rest. She then started looking at the placenta and it has finally attached itself to the exact place we wanted it to go! So yeah no more worries there as well. All in all it was a very good appointment.... For once! I did my normal lab work and we were off and plan to go back in one week for a normal check up! I am so happy about that...


Now for my funny little story! Later on that in the night Nathan stayed with a friend, and Ray and I had the evening to ourselves, which is always kind of nice. We were outside talking sitting in the grass, why I do not know since we now have a tree swing. So we decided to go to the swing. He then said I will be right, and he ran into the laundry room and grabbed our tiki torches and put them out. It was nice, and relaxing. I love this man. He is always thinking about things like that. So here we are sitting in the swing and he is telling me all about his day and we start talking about the baby again. I tell him that while looking on my blog today I saw that we have 58 more days left until the due date and how it feels like it will never get here. That is how I feel, he on the other hand completely freaked out on me!!!!! I wish you guys could of seen his face. I think the reality of it is all crashing down on him.... LOL... All I could do was laugh at him.. He starts saying things like we only have three more paychecks before the baby comes and his room isn't finished and he doesn't have this and he doesn't have that. See I have been trying to get his attention on this on for the last 2 months and his focus has been on the boat and fishing. Which is fine, but I told him when it comes down to the last couple of days and he is running around scared just remember these conversations. He had them hit him in the face last night and all I could do was laugh. I may be frustrated with the situation but I know he will make it happen, it just could of been alot easier for him if he hadn't waited, but some of us need to learn the hard way right! Hope you guys have a good day!


Charla said...

LOL I'm so happy everything is good with Cale. I told you not to worry didn't I?!?!?! So Daddy finally got hit by the reality bug huh..lol! GOOD!!! I'm so excited for you girl!! Can't wait to meet the little guy! Love ya!!


Glo said...

Happy to hear all your news is good.....And that "daddy" is starting to realize,it won't be long. Lots of {{HUGS}} for all.