Monday, June 12, 2006

All in good timing

I have read some wonderful stories from some of the ladies in our family of bloggers and I am so sorry to tell you that the computer will not let me reply so when Satan steps in and tries to stop us we just step around him and move forward... So here goes.

Courtney---- I love your daughter's little story. I think you are doing an amazing job with your kids. I can not imagine what it must feel like to have your husband so far away from you. I admire what you have done and I only hope I can be half the woman you have been for your husband. I know that soon Ray will be leaving as well and I think listening to your stories has given me a dose of reality of what is to come for me. You truly are an inspiration.

Morning Glory---- I truly needed to hear your message this morning! You had me in tears complete with "Jesus bumps". God definitely has a way of getting our attention. Thank you, you have been a blessing.

I know that I am missing someone and I will think of it later I promise...

I know that I had told you all about my weekend plans and thankfully I am still learning how to deal with change and it is getting easier, which made this weekend so much easier for me.

The races were of course rained out, so we went to plan B. We took Nate out to dinner and then to see the new movie CARS. Which by the way is a must. It was so good.. We had a great time at the movies. It was really late when we got home and the trouble started at dinner, when I told my son, who I love very much do something and he chose to start with the back talking. This traveled with him for the rest of the evening. He tried to be in charge. You gotta love when they do this... His directions when we got home were to go brush his teeth and to get into bed, his remark to both of us was simply this, "NO I am gonna go watch that movie with you guys then I will go to bed!" I came unglued at this point. Lets just say he went to bed crying Friday night. (No hands were laid on him! LOL) He just chose not to let it go at that, he decided that he would get up out of bed and come and tell us one story or another on why he did not need to stay in bed.

Long story short we did not go to D.C. (you can not reward bad behavior with something fun no matter how bad you wanted to go) Instead Nate sat in his room all day on of course you got it the bed he would not stay in the night before!

When Nate was little he was very sick and I almost lost him 3 times, seriously the doctors told me to plan my son's funeral because he would not make it! But when he came through it, by the grace of God no doubt one of the doctor's told me that he has never seen a child with such a strong will to overcome. He is going to do great things when he gets older. I walked away with pride. What he did not tell me that when your child is strong willed that it follows into every aspect of his life. LOL.. Sometimes I think God looks down on me and just laughs when He sees Nathan acting out! LOL! I'm sure it goes something like na na na boo boo!!!!!

But look for the positive right! I got alot done around the house, Ray and I built a stand for our grill. Which was an adventure all in itself. I took some wood and made blocks for my bed, so it would be up higher. (Too hide more stuff) Then found out when we went to bed that they would slide out from under the frame. LOL.. Fixed that on Sunday! LOL. That was so funny by the way. Don't worry no one was hurt.

So Nathan is still grounded but not to worry we are trying the D.C. trip next weekend. And I am not telling him until we leave so then maybe he won't act out! LOL.. I love my son.


Charla said...

Hey Michelle...OMG, I can just picture you and Ray laying in bed and those blocks coming out!!! LOL Just what were you 2 doing to make those blocks come out of there anyway!!! LOL Uh huh I know!!! LMAO!!!

Anyway, I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns with Nate. You've always been that way and I truley admire you for that. I'm such a push-over sometimes; ok,ok most of the time; with my kids! They know just how to push me until I just say whatever! I'm trying so hard to work on that!

I'm wanting to go see "Cars" too. Maybe I'll make it there this week sometime! Well, gotta go for now! Love ya!


Courtney said...

Thank you so much Michelle you have no idea how much that meant to me. It really helps to know that maybe I am helping someone a little in this big ol world:)

Your son sounds like a trip & alot like my son who's only 3 so I guess I'm in for it huh????

Thanks again & hope you have a wonderful week!

Michelle said...

Sorry you had to cancel your trip, but you stood your ground, and that's what matters! Hopefully it will work out so you can go this weekend!

rena said...

Don't all kids know better than their parents?? No?? LOL. You did right in standing your ground and setting your....wait for it...(it's a Christian cliche)...boundaries!! But you works right. And yes, can't wait to see Cars.

Sandra said...

Well my kids think they know better than me too, especially the 7 year old, Jasmine.

You sound like you're doing an amazing job with Nate, it's hard to stick to your guns but it has to be done.

Have a great day :)