Monday, June 26, 2006

I need a vacation from my vacation

Hello everyone! I know that it has been a while sense I last wrote but I was at my parents house and you may not believe this but they do not have a computer! I know it is hard to believe that there is still a house without one but it is true! LOL. I love my parents...
A little background on me is I moved away from my family 4 years ago to start over just my son and I. It wasn't easy but I had been talking to God about this and I knew this was something I needed to do. I thought that I would learn to stand on my own and it would show me that I was a strong person no matter what anyone else said.. Well I learned that and so much more! I grew mentally, physically, and spiritually as well. I tell you that so that I can tell you this. Every time I come home and I drive through those mountains God shows me just how much I have changed!
You know God has changed you and that you are moving forward and not backwards, then you go home and you truly see how you have changed! Those of you who are laughing right now know exactly what I am saying! Its not easy and its not funny at the time but man the reward is so worth everything that you walked through.
Over the years I have grown to love the time I spend in the mountains which is what I thought I was getting away from. God has such a funny sense of humor sometimes... This is the view on my trip!
I had a very good visit with friends and family. I spent some time with my dad going through my stuff in the building, good for them bad for me, now I need to find some where to put it here! LOL. I went to lunch with my mom and her friend who is like a aunt to me. And as you know I spent some well needed time with my good friend Charla. We took our kids to her families camp and then to Audra Park. This is the first time I have gotten Nathan to swim in a river since he visited Louisanna and was introduced to alligators in rivers! Yep you do the math, he was terrified of swimming in rivers after that. So 7 years later he tries again. LOL. Here are some of those pictures!!


rena said...

Was wondering where you were. Glad you had a nice trip. And yes, totally know what you mean about change...sometimes we don't see it in ourselves until we return to the places of our youth, or past and then it's like a load of bricks got dropped on you!! But a good load!

Shionge said...

Such a fantastic view! You are so lucky and hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I strongly believe that you emerged as a much stronger person.

Hey, things happened for reason and maybe what you are going through is merely a 'test' ya?

It's been a while but I read your comment some time back in my blog about collecting magnet.... can you email me your address? Heee...I am in the process of sending out some to fellow bloggers..

Have a nice day :P

Michelle said...

That view is so beautiful. I too know what you mean about growing. It's funny how you don't realize how much you've changed until you go home again.

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I appreciate the prayers for my grandpa and everything.